The East Midlands Packaging Society

The Voice of Packaging in the Heart of the Country


Dear All, as I mentioned in my previous blog post, my main focus this year as new Chairman of the East Midlands Packaging Society  is to entice more of you, our valued members, to take part in events and also to encourage ‘new blood’ into the industry. 

We’ve got some fantastic events lined-up, in which you could participate in a number of different ways and at a number of different levels – it’s up to you how far you want to get involved.

Much of it will be FREE and could directly benefit you personally and your business.

You may want to participate yourself, or you know someone else that could be interested. Either way, I’m looking for partners and I’d love to hear from you. The aim of the whole exercise is to help raise the profile of packaging but also to facilitate the integration of academia and industry for everyone’s benefit.  So this is applicable to:

Students – who may want to learn & enhance career options

Universities – looking for business avenues/partnerships to help commercialise their ideas

Product development companies, packaging suppliers & design agencies – wanting to keep up with latest technology & also identify high calibre students for job placements & opportunities




The first of our events is on 19th October at Nottingham Trent University, 4.30 - 8.30pm with a free buffet and refreshments (see flyer attached).

All are welcome, members and non-members, but pre-registration is essential – just drop me an email to:

Come along and listen to some exciting & leading-edge talks from the university & from the packaging design industry. Network with industry & academic experts – with various table-top demonstrations, discuss your design projects in an informal atmosphere and get practical mentoring help & advice.

Some of the highlighted topics will include:

Smartphone technology & how it can enhance the consumer experience

Using packaging technology to tackle counterfeiting

University research into brand design

Display technology for packing applications

Design of packaging for reuse / recycling


You can find out more about this and other East Midlands Packaging Society events on this site and also on our LinkedIn Group & Facebook Pages:

EMPS LinkedIn Group

EMPS Facebook page

This is the first of three planned university partnership events during the next 12 months, so whether in academia or business - You decide how you want to get involved, which could be as a speaker, sponsor, exhibitor, trainer or as a participant – how could it best benefit yourself? I really do think that ‘everyone’s a winner’ with this. More details to follow in future blogs.

If you’ve got any other ideas yourself, let me know.

Chris Penfold

Chairman – East Midlands Packaging Society

00 44 115 846 1914

Views: 592

Tags: #consumer, #innovation, #interaction, #packaging

Comment by Chris Penfold on September 6, 2011 at 0:07
If you'd like to come along to the event at Nottingham Trent University on 19th October 2011, please click the following link to access the online registration form (NB You may need to have your pop-up blocker turned off) Please click this link to fill out my form
Comment by Chris Penfold on September 8, 2011 at 23:11

The format for the evening will be:-

Assuming 15 mins per presentation + 5 min questions + 5 min changeover:


4.00pm    Welcome, registration, coffee & setup

4.30        Open & Introduction - Overview of event & what we are trying to achieve

                Chris Penfold - Chairman of East Midlands Packaging Society

4.40        Presentation 1 - Anti-counterfeiting technologies  

              Jeremy Plimmer - Editor/Publisher - Product & Image Security Foundation & Chairman of West            Midlands Packaging Society

5.15        Presentation 2 – Consumer focused web-enabled intelligent packaging

              Chris Penfold - Chairman of East Midlands Packaging Society

5.40        Presentation 3 – Nottingham Trent University (topic TBC – see below)*


              Table top presentations from some business 'sponsors' - around the outside of the room - informal -  small huddles

              Table top presentations from any students wanting to explain what their potential projects are - around the outside of the room - informal - small huddles

7.00        Presentation 4 - Nottingham Trent University (topic TBC – see below)*

7.25        Presentation 5 - Knowledge Transfer Networks (KTNs), IOM3 & Mintel packaging innovations from around the world

Keith Barnes - Chairman of Packaging Society


             Table top presentations from some business 'sponsors' - around the outside of the room - informal -   small huddles

              Table top presentations from any students wanting to explain what their potential projects are - around the outside of the room - informal - small huddles

8.20        Wrap up – Chris Penfold

8.30        CLOSE


*Nottingham Trent University topics above will be confirmed from the following list:

Introduction to university research in brand design        - Stuart Hodges

Display technology for packing applications                    - Prof Wayne Cranton   

Packaging for food preservation                                      - Dr Fengge Gao

Design of packaging for reuse / recycling                        - Prof Tom Fisher 


If you'd like to come along to the event please click the following link to access the online registration form (NB You may need to have your pop-up blocker turned off) Please click this link to fill out my form

Comment by Chris Penfold on September 9, 2011 at 9:23


Follow #PTTF on Twitter via @EastMidsPkgSoc


Or find out more about the East Midlands Packaging Society by following these links:

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