I did wonder whether it was appropriate to use this site to give this news, but I decided that it was right

that our friends in all of our communities should know of our loss:
It is with great sadness that I am writing to let you know of the death of our friend David Smalley, who passed away after a very short illness last Friday, 5th November.
We will write a proper 'packaging' obituary in due course, but David was at the heart of the East Midlands Packaging Society, chairing the Branch as far back as the 1980's, and holding almost every other position within our organisation. David was a key and senior figure in our region and the Institute nationally, being a past national President and trustee. After his retirement he remained fully committed to us and to his industry, and fully active within the local Society - he organised last month's trip to the National Brewery museum, for example. It is difficult to express how much we will miss him, his advice, his energy and, mostly, his friendship.
Our love and sympathy go to his wife Margaret, his two children and grandchildren.
At the moment, we don't have details of when his funeral will be, but I will be in touch again to let you know.
We have received many messages of support and condolence, for which I am very grateful.
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